Sellerics offers economic, scalable, and reliable third-party logistics services.

Dear Orçun YILMAZ, what are the services you offer Turkish manufacturers seeking to export their products to the United States?

Sellerics offers economic, scalable, and reliable third-party logistics (3PL) services. This allows us to handle the supply chain in the United States, enabling Turkish manufacturers to focus on their core business. With our technology and personalized services, we provide effective solutions to manufacturers by:

👉 Improving supply chain operations,

👉 Reducing costs,

👉 Increasing efficiency, 

👉 Supporting business growth.

Our third-party logistics services empower users to enhance their supply chains, reduce risks, and gain a competitive edge in the American market. Additionally, our partnerships with the most trusted shipping companies worldwide result in significant discounts, directly benefiting our customers.

For what reasons should the U.S. market be the primary target for export-oriented manufacturers?

The United States is the country with the highest GDP volume in the world. With its B2B market size of 8 trillion dollars, it is also the most attractive country for exporting. The low import tariffs and reasonable customs duties in the United States provide facilitative opportunities for manufacturers engaged in overseas exports.

The first-class ports, airports, and transportation networks in the United States, coupled with its highly advanced logistics infrastructure, allow overseas exporters to easily distribute their products to various parts of the country. Furthermore, the diverse ethnic and cultural identities within the U.S. population offer excellent advantages for overseas exporters to introduce their new products.

In summary, the U.S. market presents numerous opportunities for overseas exporters looking to expand their businesses and tap into a broad consumer base with significant purchasing power.

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