“Both generic and reference drugs are indispensable within the pharmaceutical industry.”

In Turkey, which boasts an advanced and robust pharmaceutical industry in terms of production standards, technology, and installed capacity, 109 drug manufacturing facilities and 13 raw material production facilities operate at international standards.

These facilities engage in the production of high-value equivalent/generic drugs based on advanced technology, as well as contract manufacturing of products belonging to globally renowned reference drug companies. While undergoing scrutiny by the Ministry of Health, the production facilities and processes also receive approvals from international authorities.

Secretary-General of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association of Türkiye, Savaş Malkoç, emphasized the importance of equivalent/generic drugs in the healthcare system: “Both generic and reference drugs are indispensable within the structure of the pharmaceutical industry, not only in our country but worldwide. Equivalent/generic drugs are essential for facilitating access to medication, ensuring the sustainability of the healthcare system, increasing competition, and encouraging innovation by offering different options to patients. This underscores the importance of equivalent/generic drugs for public health. The bioequivalence studies demonstrate that equivalent/generic drugs provide the same treatment effects on patients as reference products. All necessary examinations and research health authorities require are conducted for these products. It should be noted that both reference and generic drugs are subject to strict oversight and supervision by official authorities at every stage.” he said.