Abdi İbrahim Foundation has launched a swimming course for children with Down Syndrome

The Abdi İbrahim Foundation has launched a swimming course for children with Down Syndrome, in collaboration with Turkish Down Syndrome Association, to provide swimming skills to children with Down syndrome.

Coaches involved in the project received special training from the Turkish Down Syndrome Association to guide children in safely getting acquainted with water and developing new skills under the supervision of an expert team.

Applications are received through the association, and participants are selected based on criteria through individual interviews. The project will provide a 16-week training program from February 17 to June 8, 2024.

M. Oğuzcan Bülbül, Ph.D., the Head of Human Resources, Corporate Communications, and Sustainability Group at Abdi Ibrahim Pharmaceuticals and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Abdi Ibrahim Foundation, said: “I would like to emphasize that this project, organized under the title ‘Health and Swimming Sports’ as part of our social investment programs aimed at creating more value, is a first in Turkey.”

“As the healing power of Turkey, we work to leave a better world for future generations, pioneering our sector with over a century of experience and expertise. We will continue to invest in the future of our children and our country,” he added.