World Medicine, has launched an internal communication initiative called “WmeeT”

Türkiye’s pharmaceutical export champion, World Medicine, has launched an internal communication initiative called “WmeeT” to contribute to the personal development of its employees.

Aiming to host distinguished guests every month at its Çerkezköy factory, World Medicine‘s first guest was actor Cemal Hünal. Recently, the WmeeT stage welcomed presenter and actress Pınar Altuğ Atacan.

Expressing their happiness at hosting Pınar Altuğ Atacan following Cemal Hünal, World Medicine’s Corporate Communications Manager Onur Gülkök stated, “Cemal Hünal shared his story, experiences, and emphasized the importance of patience in achieving success. Then, Pınar Altuğ Atacan reminded us that our strength lay within ourselves with her story and inspired us. We thank them both very much. We aim to continue these meetings and host many more significant guests. We believe the WmeeT meetings will also inspire our employees’ personal development, and we look forward to excitingly welcoming our new guests.”