The establishment of the Media Measurement Council has been a significant development in Turkey’s advertising industry

The establishment of the Media Measurement Council has been a significant development in Turkey’s advertising industry. The Council aims to set standards in media monitoring and research methods in Turkey, improve and update existing research and measurements, and propose new methods based on industry needs.

The Council, supported by the Ministry of Commerce of the Republic of Turkey and the Radio and Television Supreme Council (RTÜK), includes participation from Reklamverenler Derneği (RVD), Reklamcılar Derneği (RD), TİAK, RİAK, and, as an associate member, REPİD.

Ahmet Pura will serve as the Chairman of the Media Measurement Council, with RİAK A.Ş. Chairman İlhan Uzundurukan acting as Vice Chairman for the first year, followed by TİAK A.Ş. General Manager Dursun Güleryüz in the second year.

The Media Measurement Council aims to ensure that media measurement research is valid, reliable, and effective by establishing processes and ethical principles and providing transparent and consistent methodologies. It will contribute to the standardization, measurement, and analysis of performance data across the industry.

By providing accurate and reliable data on audience reach and media performance across all channels, including television, digital, print, radio, and outdoor advertising, the Media Measurement Council will be crucial in forming robust marketing communication strategies for media planning, buying, and selling processes. Adhering to a standard set of rules and principles will promote the industry’s healthy growth.

The Council is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability by establishing and maintaining standard measurement and evaluation methodologies.